Saturday, December 15, 2012


The events in Conn. have brought me out of my creative shell to write a new blog.  This will be a short writing but I believe the words here matter, well, they matter to me at least.  Murder is nothing uncommon in todays society.  Television, Magazines and the Internet post the topic so often that i don't believe we as the populous even blink an eye when it is reported anymore.  It is so interesting how when the dynamic of murder is changed to that of 20 children how our hearts cry out.  Victims of murder are exactly that....victims, regardless of age.  Children, however, are the most innocent of victims there could possibly be, so, we indeed as human beings should cry out and possibly feel a small bit of guilt for tragedys such as this.

Why guilt i say?  The guilt is not because we should have been there, or been more prepared because after all, how do you truly prepare for something like this?  A crazed, young, gunmen walks into a Movie theater, Mall or Elementary school and turns an assault rifle on a grouping of innocent victims....there is not much any of us could have done about that.  It takes a special kind of person to do such a thing. Add to  20 children and..I'm pretty sure that if there is a hell....this person that i will not even already looking into the fiery pits gettin' ready for satan to torch his A**!

Instead, I think at a time such as this..when something so horrific happens MANKIND must LOOK IN THE MIRROR and TAKE A LONG HARD, TRUTHFUL LOOK AT OURSELVES. 


It is because we as a people nowadays just don't seem to give a SH*T about anything anymore.  Maybe there was nothing any of us could have done.  Maybe the gunmen was secular and such an isolated incident was beyond any human reaction.  It will merely go down in history as horrible and tragic and unavoidable.  Then again, maybe instead of just ignoring such terrible things, maybe we should address them.  Maybe instead of seeing death, violence, and/or any of the countless other bad things currently happening..maybe we should stop just taking a passenger seat and actually try to do something about them?  Maybe instead of blaming others or waiting for someone else to step up and make a difference, maybe each of us have a responsibility to one another to try and step up and make the difference in the world ourselves???


Maybe I am just talking to myself.


But then again....Maybe...Somewhere in this blog....there is something each and every one of us can take from it and look into that mirror......look at ourselves, reflect and at the very least...entertain the thought of giving a sh*t....again?


Maybe just could help just a few of us look in that mirror and question whether we are the drivers in our lives or merely a passenger.

OR....Maybe once again....

No one will give a SH*T...

That's definately...very very possible...

but for the Record...

I did before and do now.

My heart goes out to the victims and there families of any incident such as this.
If I had a wish...I would moonlight as some Batman type character and save people who merely want to continue living there lives....there whole lives....and not have that life cut short by a psychotic gunmen who accomplished his goal of achieving fame by simply doing one thing.  Killing.

Killing Innocent men...

Killing Innocent women...

and worst of all this time....

Killing Innocent Children...

but alas....

I am not this Batman character....

and there are 27 victims who will not be celebrating Christmas this year.....
because some selfish motherf*cker took that away from them.

This simply makes me sad.


When Innocent children are murdered we as mankind must reflect on ourselves....

It's too bad it takes horrible tragedys such as this for mankind to care.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Be proud of who you are.
Such a simple thing to say,
Not such a simple thing for people to do in todays society.
With so many different messages being sent from Film, Media and Marketing campaigns,
Its so hard to even muster an original thought nowadays,
but somehow, Someway we must try to hold on to the person we really are inside of our souls.
Not the person our neighbors, bosses, or even friends would want us to be,
but instead,
The person we truly are inside of ourselves. 
The person who knows the truth about such trival questions such as:
What our favorite food is or
What our favorite Movie is or,
What favorite moment in life really is....the one we hold deep inside and never tell a soul.
We must somehow hold onto that person,
No matter what.
No matter what the pressures of the world may thrust upon us.
No matter what.
Because in the end,
If we are not "In Touch" with ourselves,
If we are not allowed to live in this world being the people we really are inside,
Then we will be merely living a lie,
and it could be said that living a lifelong lie,
Is actually not living at all.
It's a FIGHT worth living for.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Drive me Crazy. (Romantic words and pictures)

DRIVE ME CRAZY.  (Romantic words and Pictures)

Just like a Butterfly,
Up on the window sill,
Just like a summer breeze,
That's how you make me feel,
My Heart skips a beat,
When you come around,
My body says to me,
I just need you now.

Whisper to me baby,
Oh you Drive me Crazy,
With your Love that I need.
(Breath, Exhale, Continue).
Whisper to me baby,
Oh you Drive me Crazy,
With your Love that I need.

Just like a Hummingbird,
Taste like Nectarine,
Just like Lovers should,
Deep in Ecstacy,
My Heart skips a beat,
When I hear your sound,
Addicted to your Love,
I just need you now.

Whisper to me baby,
Oh you Drive me Crazy,
With your Love that I need.
(Breath, Exhale, Continue).
Whisper to me baby,
Oh you Drive me Crazy,
With your Love that I need.

Oh baby,
In the shadows,
I can see your face,
Light a Candle,
Take your place.

Oh baby,
In the shadows,
I can see your face,
Light a Candle,
Let's not wait.

Whisper to me baby,
Oh you Drive me Crazy,
With your Love that I need.
(Breath, Exhale, Continue).
Whisper to me baby,
Oh you Drive me Crazy,
With your Love that I need.

Monday, November 26, 2012



Photography is a thing of pure beauty.  Simplistic. Elegant. Touching.  It always amazes me how much a Photograph can capture in just one quick click of a camera's shutter.   Captured moments in time found in one stolen momentary image.  Stunning, Artistic. Truthful.  There's is nothing quite so Beautiful as a  Photograph..

It was Ancient belief that taking ones picture was to have the subjects soul stolen away from them in some voodoo-like kind of abduction ceremony.  All folklore aside, Photography is one of the most honest and soul bearing artforms ever created.  Instead of taking away, a Photograph breaths life and art into our everyday lives.  Opposite to what the Ancients believed, instead of stealing the talents soul, a photograph can actually bear it in a way even those same Ancients could never have imaged.     

With the invention of DSLR and SLR camera's (Digital), cellphone app programs such as Instagram and Flickr, The revolution of Photography is booming.  The abiltiy to manipulate and control photographic situations has become much more user friendly over the last couple years.  With so many technical advancements and resources to our disposal, really all thats left is to actually go out and take some photos.  Alot can be said on how to compose the "perfect" shot.  What lenses to use and what is the "perfect" FD filter to add.  However, in the statement really captures the spirit and essence of what it means to be a PHOTOGRAPHER.  That statement goes like this:   "THE POETIC BEAUTY IN PHOTOGRAPHY IS TRULY FOUND IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER".  If you understand this, you understand what's next....and......With that said......Go out and take some pictures!     Good luck!  

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Being Broken is Really Being Beautiful.

Broken but Beautiful.
by Angel Synn.

We have all been broken.
Broken Hearted.
Broken Bank-accounted.
Broken soul.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is get up,
When you've been knocked down.
There is no parade, No people applauding,
No certificate or bonus for achieving one of the most difficult of feats in life.
Instead, the celebration comes from within.
It comes from self preservation,
and the knowledge you gain from being Broken,
We've all been humbled for lack of a better word.
Even in the worst case scenerio's,
After the storm passes,
Things can only get better in life.
So Today, Yesterday or even Tomorrow,
If you find yourself broken,
but not just a scrape to the elbow kind of Broken,
Rather the kind of broken that severe's your soul,
There is only one thing you need to know,
You've learned something from the experience,
and from that,
Just like the scrape on your elbow,
Things will only get better in time,
So even if you may detest the thought of being broken,
Hate hurting, bleeding, crying and wallowing in your own sorrows,
Remember this:
We can only grow when we stick our necks out,
and sometimes we may even fall.
but it takes a good fall to teach us we are human
and create the desire to get back up and climb to the peak  of the mountain,
So really if you think about it,
Being Broken takes guts,
Being Broken takes courage,
but most of all,
Being Broken is really Being Beautiful,
It's a crazy thought,
but the alternative is to never become the person you ultimately want to be,
and although being broken is a steep price to pay,
Its really not so bad,
When you achieve the end result,
So keep growing, falling and picking yourself back up,
We've all been there,
and remember one thing,
When it's bad,
It's really good,
and when it's good,
Be thankful....
Your Broken but Really Beautiful
and that's something to celebrate all in itself.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Whether Photography or Feature Films: Drama is found in SIMPLICITY

Whether Photography or Feature Films:  Drama is found in SIMPLICITY!

Framing a shot is as much about removing things as it is about adding.
A minimalistic approach is often more powerful and more direct.
The first thing to do is to prioritise the parts of a scene that you find most interesting. Then
discover the composition and angle that emphasise that. Then kill everything else as much
as possible that doesn’t contribute. Like photography it’s a process of removing anything which distracts a viewer’s eye from that.  The simple and direct nature, the lack of clutter, the careful and instinctual placement of the (real-life) ‘actors’ in the frame is done by perfect timing. A moving image is treated slightly differently of course. Usually the timing and pacing of cinematography is as much done in editing afterwards as it is when shooting, but it is no less important. Also, camera movements can be timed to seek out what’s interesting and to defocus on what isn’t. An example would be a woman taking off her shoes in the
bedroom. The camera would pan down to reveal the manner in which she removes her shoes. Improvise and experiment with different takes and see which you like the best.

Look at the clip below from one of the most "Featured Films" when taking courses in Flimmaking  called "THE GODFATHER".  As you will see Francis Ford Coppola is the master of using SIMPLICITY to allow the Script, Actors and Cinematographer to create a dramatic mood necessary to film such epic scene such as this.

or in this scene from the Film: "A SCENT OF A WOMAN":

Dramatic content in front of the camera lens is not created by Computer graphics or something a director just stumbles upon. Dramatic content is one of the most difficult and time consuming things to achieve in filmmaking.  As with Life, drama is expressed correctly when it comes from a deep, truthful place that one can only find by allowing themselves to lay down inhibitions and fully go there.  It is found by Actors who can stretch themselves to find it, Cinematographers with the "gift" to catch it correctly through the cameras lens and a director smart enough to know that all the electronic tools in the world cannot take the place of  good 'ole fashioned heart felt performances.  So if you want to film a picture or a full length feature film that can touch the hearts of others and achieve a realistic dramatic quality, Be smart enough to realize one thing and one thing only: 
DRAMA IS SIMPLICITY and it's as simple as that!   

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

No Lies, Just Love.

It's complicated.
It's even more complicated.
With so much mounted on us day after day,
You may begin to feel like you are overwhelmed beyond what your emotions can handle.
You may even find yourself becoming someone you never thought you'd be.
Life and Love,
Their complicated that way.
Yes, Love has it's twists and turns.
Yes, Life has pitfalls, downfalls, surprises,
Letdowns and it's share of heartbreak.
but Love and Life.
Are simply that.
If you really take a moment to think about it,
It ain't Love or Life complicating things,
Its the people in this world who make a mockery of both that are to blame.
Life and Love are very similar in that way really,
It could be said for both Life and Love,
that both are simple,
People ain't.
So true.
So very true.
One saying that has always kept me going,
and i will share this with you now,
Is simply the following: "NO LIES, JUST LOVE".
Now I could bust into long, drawn out poetical repose about this statements,
I could try to amaze you with my brillance,
but alas, there is no brillance in this statement,
and definately there is no brillance to be found in myself,
Instead these are just simple, beautiful words.
I believe if you look deep into the root meaning of what is being said,
You will find the answer and beauty to the statement.
With that said,
The same could be quoted about life:
It is the same old resounding words we;ve heard our entire lives growing up,
Morality based words,
That seemed crazy when our parents told us at 12 years old,
and again at 16,
and again at 19,
and again at 21,
but even though it's hard to admit....
Mom and Dad were right on the money.
To live right, just be honest, respect yourself and LIVE AND LOVE.
As the pitfalls of LIFE and LOVE bestow themselves upon us: Past, Present and Future,
Simply remember to LOVE and RESPECT yourself even though things will not be perfect, 24/7,
but when the days get dark and the sun seems to be hiding,
Always keep in mind these two statements:
I believe if you do,
You will come to find that the storm finally passes,
Your sunny days will be filled with happiness,
because you were able to realize that Life is really beautiful
Because you allowed No LIES in your life and instead chose to simply JUST LIVE and LOVE.
